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Good friends, good families, just all around good people... and JESUS at the head of it all. You'll fit right in!

Pastor Sean Lagasse
God looked down from Heaven and saw that man was alone... and He said "it is not good for man to be alone." We also know the parable about the lost sheep. That Jesus said He left the 99 and went after the one..... we are MEANT to do life together.
Friendship, brother and sisterhood relationships! People who care about us and walk with us through good and bad times.
Not just a spouse, or a sibling... but a true friend. Jesus also wants to be that friend. He says "I am a friend who sticks closer than a brother," and He also wants to walk through this life and into the Next with you. Have you ever wondered "whats Next?"
Come visit us... we'd love to find out TOGETHER! Good friends, good families, just all around good people... you'll fit right in! Purpose Church Orlando... ALL are welcome...
Pastor Sean Lagasse

God entrusts us as parents with children, "on loan" from Him! It's our job to demonstrate His love, and instruction to them. Our Children's ministry will come along side your role as parents, and we will affirm the same Godly morals, and disciplines and demonstrate also Gods love for them.
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